In the run-up to her upcoming film Neerja, actress Sonam Kapoor recently started a social media campaign against fear. With a short video post on Instagram, the actress asked people to share a clip talking about how their biggest fears and how they overcame it.
Neerja is a biopic on Neerja Bhanot, the brave young woman who lost her life while trying to save many others. She was the senior flight attendant on board the Pan Am Flight 73 that was hijacked on September 5, 1986, who helped a number of passengers escape.
“Hi everyone. I often wonder how fear gave Neerja courage. I would love to hear your stories in 15 second Instagram videos,” Sonam Kapoor said, adding that that she will share the most fascinating and touching stories on Instagram.
Here are some of the responses she received, from her fans as well as other celebrities:
A video posted by Neha Gandhi Roy (@neharoy_) on
A video posted by Rahul Sarraf (@_rahulray) on