Sonam Kapoor’s movie Neerja, which is based on the real life story of Pan Am flight attendant Neerja Bhanot, has received rave reviews. The entire country is curious about this young girl who sacrificed her life to save 359 others, when the flight was hijacked in 1986 in Karachi. She was killed just a couple of hours before her 23rd birthday.
The movie, in which Sonam plays Neerja, is already a box office hit. Neerja was the first civilian and the youngest person to receive the Ashok Chakra, India’s highest gallantry award for bravery in the face of the enemy during peace time.
Amul has decided to honour Neerja by releasing a 1980s ad. Neerja used to work as a model before joining Pan Am and had featured in ads for Benzer sarees, Binaca toothpaste, Godrej Besto detergent, Vaporex, Vico Turmeric cream, etc. This ad for Amul Chocolate features a young boy and Neerja singing about how he is, “Too old for tricycles and too young to be a pilot. But just right for Amul chocolate.”